Welcome to the power of the bandhas.
'Bandha' is Sanskrit for 'lock' and, in yoga, refers to energetic locks in the body which help us maintain efficient energy and posture. There are three main bandhas we talk about in yoga: the pelvic floor, the diaphragm, and the neck, but we also talk about bandhas in the hands and the feet. You can learn more about them in my blog post here.
The bandhas are yoga's secret to effortless, graceful and light inversions. In this online workshop series, we will learn techniques to access our bandhas and revolutionise our inversion practice.
Through this series, you can expect to:
Build strength, stability and confidence in your inversion practice through the magic of the bandhas.
Learn about and embody the science of the yogic 'bandhas' or energetic locks, through biomechanics, and embodied anatomy to help you find strength, stability, and lift in more efficient ways for your body and practice (this is life-changing!).
Cover poses including down-dog, headstand, forearm stand, and handstand, using the wall or freestanding (you don't have to try freestanding unless you want to).
Find encouragement as you explore inversions and arm balances in a safe, friendly, and community-orientated online environment.

What if I told you that mastering yoga inversions is not about brute strength and increasing muscle mass, but something else?
In this course, you will open yourself to the magic of the bandhas to revolutionise your yoga and yoga inversion practice, whatever level you are at.
Hear from those who took the last course

The course overall really helped me gain an understanding of some of the basics that have helped my overall practice become so much stronger. In the past, I have always found my wrists hurting when I would do inversions and arm balances - or even just from planks! But now I feel so much stronger with how I use my hands owing to the hasta bandha technique Floss taught. I really improved every week getting stronger and more confident!
Mallory, Cambridge
Course overview
This online course aims to introduce you theoretically and practically to the bandhas to help build fantastic foundations for your yoga inversion practice going forward. It comprises an introductory section, offering an overview of the history, philosophy and epistemology (theory of knowledge) of the bandhas, situating them in relation to their medieval tantric foundations. There are then 3 central modules exploring 5 different bandhic areas: firstly, via an overview of their anatomical theory, and secondly through embodied, meditative and movement-based practices to help you connect to your bandhas - your inner strength and alignment - from the inside out. Connecting to the power of the bandhas through embodied anatomy has transformed my inversion and yoga practice, and they can do the same for you too! I can't wait to share this journey with you.
Introduction: The Bandhas & Embodied Anatomy-
•Video 1: Course Overview
•Video 2: What are the bandhas? an anatomical, philosophical, and historical overview.
•Video 3: How do we access the bandhas? The role of language and the imagination in fostering our mind-body connection.
Total video time: 41 minutes
•Video 1: Intro to Uddiyada & Mulabandha
•Video 2: Spirit Level Breath Theory
•Video 3: Spirit Level Breath Meditation Practice
•Video 4: Extended Practice
Total video time: 70 minutes
•Video 1: Hasta Bandha
•Video 2: Hasta Bandha note: wrist pain
•Video 3: Padha Bandha
Total video time: 45 minutes
Module 3: Spiralling the Side Body & Arms
In this module, we explore internal and external rotation in the arms and shoulders to explore the side trunk as the vital support of our inversions. Get ready to experience your shoulders in downdog and other poses in new and transformative ways!
•Video 1: Spiralling: Arms, Shoulders, Side-body (theory & practice)
•Video 2: Bunny Hop Practice
Total video time: 39 minutes
Added live, including:
- Full Yoga Practice incorporating all the learnings of the course
- Exercises to do at home and add to your own movement practice
-Vestibular drills (eye movement) for balance

Hear from those who took the last course

Alice, Cambridge
I found Floss’ bandha and inversion workshop a great introduction to how to get into more complex yoga poses, something that I had been previously interested in but thought I lacked the strength and experience to achieve. Learning about the bandhas and starting with exercises to strengthen our bodies as well as our understanding of our anatomy was a really great way to explore how, each of us individually, could achieve inversions using our existing strength. I felt really empowered to give stuff ago with Floss’ enthusiastic teaching and support!

Alice, Cambridge
I found Floss’ bandha and inversion workshop a great introduction to how to get into more complex yoga poses, something that I had been previously interested in but thought I lacked the strength and experience to achieve. Learning about the bandhas and starting with exercises to strengthen our bodies as well as our understanding of our anatomy was a really great way to explore how, each of us individually, could achieve inversions using our existing strength. I felt really empowered to give stuff ago with Floss’ enthusiastic teaching and support!
Is this course for you?
If you're ready to up your inversion game like never before through the deep power of the bandhas, then you are ready to join this course.
This course is suitable for those with at least one year's yoga experience, who are happy in downdog and are beginning or ready to explore inversions such as headstand, as well as those who are more experienced with yoga inversions but want to access their bandhas in order to find more lightness, grace and ease.
Join now to start your journey!
The cost of this course is £99.