I am super excited to start my new 75-minute yoga class this Tuesday, 6 - 7.15 pm at St Paul's Church, Hills Road, Cambridge. These classes are going to be super special. I want to tell you about them and why you should sign up, if you haven't already...
These classes will include: ✅ A core sequence we work on each week
✅ A different anatomical focus each week, taught & enquired into in a somatic way
✅Underpinned by embodied philosophy & svadhyaya – the yogic principle of self-study
✅Small class sizes for lots of 1-2-1 attention & hands-on assists, if desired
While each class will be different, in each session we will nonetheless be working on the same central core sequence. By moving the body through the same moves, we will get more familiar with the sequence - and get better at it.
This means we can more clearly notice if and how we are improving, getting stronger, more flexible and poised… finding ourselves move through the poses with more ease and grace...
…But that's not it!
Because yoga is about much more than strength and flexibility.
It’s about svadhyaya - self-study, or self-enquiry: the practice of studying oneself through introspection and reflection.
Partly, in my class, we do this through exploring our anatomy in a somatic and embodied way.
While we repeat our core flow in each class, each week has a different anatomical focus, taken from embodied anatomy – a poetic and somatic approach to anatomical enquiry and alignment.
So, as you get familiar with the sequence, each week will have ample opportunity for new discovery, knowledge and revelation through different anatomical and somatic focuses.
Through this embodied enquiry, we also enquire into our body and being. Plus, each class will have hands-on-assists (if that is your thing) to encourage deepening into poses, finding alignment, and cultivating relaxation and deep rest!
If this sounds exciting, there is still time to join the class!
If you plan on coming at a later date, I recommend booking/ purchasing your class packs now as prices are going to go up to due the length of the class (75-minutes) and the cost of room booking.
Don’t say I didn’t tell you!
I can’t wait to see you on the mat soon as we enquire into our beautiful embodied being on this deep journey of yoga.
Any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch at yogawithfloss@gmail.com
With love,
Floss xx
Book here!
